Saturday 15 August 2015

Building my new computer - Day 1

Well, folks, I'm back from my holidays, all the components have arrived and it's time to start putting things together.

Where I should I start? I don't really know. I am guessing the smart thing is to put CPU and memory on the motherboard before putting the motherboard in the case.

Time to ask the internet for help:,1382.html

It's good to know I don't need a grounded wrist straps because I don't have one. But I'll be touching my (metal) desk and (old) computer case every now and then.

***********4 hours later ************

Well, it's 1.30am and I just managed to finish putting most of it together, enough to try booting up a linux live usb drive. Did it work? I'll tell you at the end of the post.

Before, a few I learned along the way:

  • The whole thing is a 80/20 kind of task: the last 20% of the work takes 80% of the time. For example: the first cables are easy to plug while the ones I left for last (audio connections from the front of the case to the motherboard) were extremely painful because once all components are in there's very limited space to use one's fingers. I had to use a screwdriver, a flash-light and a lot of patience.

  • 3 point plugs for fans are compatible with 4 point plugs (just make sure you target the right 3 pins).

  • A magnetic screwdriver is a MUST. In some places, ie between the PSU and the case there is only room for a screwdriver (not even a pinky finger fits) therefore that's the only way to lower the screw to its position.
  •  A soon as you open the case you will start taking screws out. At the time, it's absolutely obvious where they are and where they belong. A few hours, or days, later all screws look the same. Even worse, I am still wondering the first two I took out are (the ones that hold the top of the case). Take my advice and start putting them in small recipients and labelling them.
  • Considering putting the memory at the end. They get in the way of plugging the little cables like front usb connectors. Some websites I read said this is not advisable because putting the memory in place requires use of force. I don't know what to think. I know it was a pain to plug those bad boys. Alternatively, plug these cables before putting the PSU in place.
  • The PSU was a pain. The holder needed to be bent to fit in its place again. If you have the same problem with the FTZ01 just mention it in the comments and I'll give you more details.

Sooooooo, what happened?

It's late, I've been battling the cables for hours and I just want to turn it on and see a post message and the bios (well, EFI). I plug the power cable, press the one button, the cpu fan starts spinning and look eagerly at the screen and....nothing. It's too late to even attempt some troubleshooting. I go to bed tired and in a bad mood.

Stay tuned, tomorrow I'll try to find out what the problem is.